Berliner Schloss - Open day
Sayo Gong-Performance at open day with Oliver Fox
Eosanderportal, Humboldtforum
Berlin 10. September 2016
Museumsnacht Coburg
mit Beate Gatscha, Gert Anklam und Ravi Srinivasan
26. february 2016
10 Jahre Nachtklänge
Sayo Sound-Performance with Beate Gatscha, Ravi Srinivasan and Gert Anklam
Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Kreuzberg, Zossener Straße 65, 10961 Berlin
22-23. august 2015
Parkmusik - neue Hoerizonte 2015
Sayo Gong-Performance
23-24. august 2014
Parkmusik - neue Hoerizonte 2014
Sayo Gong-Performance with Prof. Sigune von Osten
12. june 2013, 13:00 Uhr
foundation stone ceremony at the Berliner Schloss
Sayo Gong-Performance for the foundation stone ceremony with Gert Anklam
Sayo Gong-Performance for the foundation stone ceremony
Berlin 4. and 5.10. 2012at Heilig Kreuz Kirche, Berlin 6.10. 2012at Audimax of the University on the occasion of the Thüringer Jazzmeile, Ilmenau 7.10. 2012at Dreikönigskirche, Dresden
LIQUID SOUL & OSAKA SHOMYO - dialog of sounds
A german and japanese worldmusic-oratorio with ritual prayers of six japanese monks, traditional japanese instruments, the biggest javanese gong, scenic interpretation and sonorous saxophon improvisations
actually there should appear a html 5 mediaplayer here.
25. Juni 2011, 20:00 Uhr
Sayo Gong-Performance for the Grand Opening of the Jakarta Berlin Arts Festival 2011.
A shortened video montage from the performance:
Friedrichstrasse 101
10117 Berlin
21. November 2009, 20:00 Uhr
Christuskirche Berlin-Friedrichshain
Studio b.tont presents Sayo and others...
Firlstrasse 16 A
12459 Berlin
13 .September 2009, 12:30 p.m.
Schwedenschanze bei Horst
Performance at "Tag des offenen Denkmals"
Concert "Orient tmeets Oxident" with the international well known artist Detlef Bensmann
Schwedenschanze bei Horst, Prignitz
4. September 2009, 21:30 p.m.
Performance "Tao Klangmalerei"
Concert with the international well known artist Gert Anklam
Art Center Berlin, Friedrichstraße 134, 10117 Berlin Mitte
29.August 2009
Performance at "Lange Nacht der Museen 2009"
11pm and 1am
performance with the international well known artist Gert Anklam
Art Center Berlin, Friedrichstraße 134, 10117 Berlin Mitte
12.Juli 2009
Hohenloher Kultursommer, Blaufelden-Herrentierbach Off Road Ensemble
music -, dance- and drumshow with artists from china, java and germany
Bürgerhaus , 17.00 Uhr
Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Berlin
performance at a series of concerts called "sounds at night": concert with Gert Anklam
Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Kreuzberg, Zossener Straße 65, 10961 Berlin
Artists e.g. Beate Gatscha, Gert Anklam, Sayo
8. - 15. november 2008
Das Schloss
at "Buddha-Exhibition"
Das Schloss, Schloßstraße 34, D-12163 Berlin
october 2008
Klang-Performance "Tao Klangmalerei"
performance with the international well known artist Gert Anklam
Art Center Berlin, Friedrichstraße 134, 10117 Berlin Mitte
18. october 2008, 10pm
performance at "Festival of Light"
performance with the international well known artist Gert Anklam
Art Center Berlin, Friedrichstraße 134, 10117 Berlin Mitte
8. - 13. September 2008
Hallen Am Borsigturm
at the "Buddha-Exhibition"
Hallen am Borsigturm, Am Borsigturm 2, 13507 Berlin-Tegel
30. august 2008, 7-12pm
perfomances at"Lange Nacht der Museen 2008"
two performances at 10pm and 12pm , with the international well known artist Gert Anklam
Art Center Berlin, Friedrichstraße 134, 10117 Berlin Mitte
17. july 2008, 7.30pm
Vernissage for permanent exhibition since 17.july 2008
performance with Gert Anklam
Art Center Berlin, Friedrichstraße 134, 10117 Berlin Mitte
4. july 2008
Soundart / prayer ceremony at the birthday of the Dalai Lama
for Galileo, Pro Sieben, German TV
a prayer ceremony to the honor of the Dalai Lama
a "Sounding Painting" with 2 meters in diameter at the Buddha-temple at Berlin Frohnau with two
buddhist monks and interview.
1. june 2008, 4pm
Ethnologisches Museum Dahlem, Berlin
Gute Reise! Kuai Le Lü Xing! Off Road Ensemble
Music -, dance- and drumshow with artists from China, Java and Germany
Ethnologisches Museum Dahlem, Lansstr. 8, 14195 Berlin
Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Berlin
performance at a series of concerts called "sounds at night": "Sounding Paintings"
Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Kreuzberg, Zossener Straße 65, 10961 Berlin
Exciting performance, where you can feel the gongs vibrations Beate Gatscha (Hang, Percussion, dance), Gert Anklam (Saxophon, Sheng), Jürgen Götz (Gong) and Sayo (Gong, Healing Bowls)
5.April - 9.April 2007
Zeughaus Berlin
german historical museum
Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin
daily performance and exhibition
during the fair "Angewandte Kunst und Design"
22. September 2006
international convention for spiritual healing, Berlin
lecture "Klangmeditationstherapie" and performance
Link to original text (in german!)=>
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