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Sounding Paintings

In the history of paintings there has been no attempt to use Gongs as a canvas. I have developed this fascinating technique since millenium 2000.

The "Sounding Paintings" are a new form of arts, uniting art to be listened to and art to be looked at into a new dimension.

The painting "talks" and forces the beholder to be attentive in two ways. It does not only adress the sense of sight but the sense of hearing, too. So it is sensed in two ways; first with the eyes(Yang), which forces us to direct our attention to the outside and second with the ears(Yin), which turns our attentiveness to the inside.

The "Sounding Paintings" should create the possibility to reach a meditative state for the art-interested person .

As a picture, a sculpture, an instrument and for its ritual purpose these pieces of art have a significant unique selling point amongst the „Contemporary Fine Arts.“